Analyze the environmental situation of your mentor company in global arena based on Economic, Trade, Social and Cultural, Political, Legal, and Regulatory factors.

With this assignment you will complete the Global Marketing Plan for your mentor company that you began working on in Week 2 of this course. When submitting this assignment, be sure to include the portions you completed during Week 2 through Week 5 and make any adjustments to the work from any recommendations in your grade book.

For this assignment, you are encouraged to upload your work to your ePortfolio in addition to Way point. Learn more about Folio, University of Arizona Global Campus’ ePortfolio tool, by viewing the Folio Quick Start Guide (Links to an external site.).

Submit your file to Way point using the button below. Then paste the link to your Folio page as a comment in Way point so your instructor can access your ePortfolio.

In your paper,

Under an Executive Summary heading
Summarize the rational of your plan.
Under an Environmental Analysis heading
Analyze the environmental situation of your mentor company in global arena based on Economic, Trade, Social and Cultural, Political, Legal, and Regulatory factors. Then select a country in one of these regions: Latin America, Middle East, and Africa and provide a situational analysis of that country considering the following criteria: demographic, economic, trade, social, cultural, legal, regulatory, and political factors. (Hint: Refer to your Week 2 Global Marketing Plan Part 1 assignment and include it in your final paper after you incorporated your instructor’s feedback and comments).
Discuss how market research, information systems and big data will help you understand the region better.
Under a General Strategy heading
Explain your segmentation, targeting, and positioning strategy for that line of product in the new region (Hint: Refer to your Week 3 Twitter Advertising Analysis for Target Marketing discussion).
Discuss your market entry strategy including export selling and sourcing activities, if any.
Under a Specific Plans and Strategies heading
Explain your competitive advantages strategies to compete against five industry forces.
Formulate the 4Ps:
Product and brands (Hint: Refer to Part 2 of your Week 4 Product Branding discussion)
Promotion with a special focus on digital media and IMC (Hint: Refer to your Week 5 Integrated Marketing Communications assignment)
Discuss the company’s CSR and social responsiveness strategies particularly in the selected region.