To what extent did the Ancient Greeks, Mesopotamians, and Ancient Egyptians share similar concepts of gods? How were they different? Compare and contrast either 2 or all 3 of the below primary sources and support your observations.

God’s affect on Western Civilization. Throughout the first 2,000 years of Western Civilization, cultures had varying views on religion. Specifically, these civilizations had differing views on how gods interacted with humans and how they played a role in their lives. To what extent did the Ancient Greeks, Mesopotamians, and Ancient Egyptians share similar concepts of … Read more

What is “History”? And is it best understood as the outcome of the actions of “great men,” the outcome of “social movements,” or both? Why?

Western civilization How to understand the history of western civilization. Every society that we have studied had remarkable individuals who were highly successful in achieving their goals. Some of them even had the title of “the Great” added to their names, men such as Ramesses, Cyrus, and Alexander. However, we have also seen instances of … Read more

Was there really a 12th-century Renaissance?Make an argument.

Western Civilization Was there really a 12th-century Renaissance?Make an argument. Directly address the topic Demonstrate a grasp of historical facts and the narrative and, most importantly, offer an explanation that answers questions such as: “how?” “why?” “what does it mean?” “why is it important?”  

Some scholars say that the highest value in Western civilization today is promoting the many-sided creativity of each individual, rather than training persons to be highly specialized experts. Do you agree with this perspective? What could be the negative aspects of promoting individual creativity as the highest value?

Individual Creativity The following topic below and write a clear, coherent argument. Your essay will be evaluated on your ability to write clearly, think logically, provide evidence for your assertions, and use proper grammar. (Maximum 500 words) Some scholars say that the highest value in Western civilization today is promoting the many-sided creativity of each … Read more

Western Civilization : What does Ibn Fadlan think of the Vikings? What do we learn about them through his eyes?What are the social, cultural and religious values of the Vikings, according to Ibn Fadlan?

Western Civilization “The Risala is an account written by a sophisticated and educated Muslim, describing his observations of Vikings living in Russia.” •What does Ibn Fadlan think of the Vikings? What do we learn about them through his eyes? •What are the social, cultural and religious values of the Vikings, according to Ibn Fadlan? •How … Read more

Do you agree with this perspective? What could be the negative aspects of promoting individual creativity as the highest value?

Individual Creativity Some scholars say that the highest value in Western civilization today is promoting the many-sided creativity of each individual, rather than training persons to be highly specialized experts. Do you agree with this perspective? What could be the negative aspects of promoting individual creativity as the highest value? Write a clear, coherent argument … Read more

Write a book review on the book ”How We Got To Now,”considering  the strengths and weaknesses using the same criteria you used while reading the book.

 ”How We Got To Now” by Steven Johnson Write a book review on the book ”How We Got To Now,”considering  the strengths and weaknesses using the same criteria you used while reading the book. This should be a 2-4 page paper, addressing the questions below.Within the context of our Western Civilization II Do these six … Read more

Western Civilization: who was Rome’s greatest Emperor and why? who was Rome’s worst Emperor and why?

Western Civilization In the Struggle of the Orders, choose a side and make a speech to the Senate arguing for your position Who was Rome’s greatest Emperor and why? Who was Rome’s worst Emperor and why? Discuss an example of how and why the Roman Empire adopted and adapted something from a foreign culture whom … Read more