What is the NPV of this project if the interest rate is 10 percent?

Finance question, for cash flow estimation Chapter 7 Problems: A firm is considering a new project. The project is expected to generate sales of 15,0CC units per year. Units will sell at $14 each. Variable costs are expected to be $8 each for the first year, $7 each thereafter. Fixed costs will be $5,000 per … Read more

Describe how you would design a logistics network consisting of only one warehouse.

Logistics management. Describe how you would design a logistics network consisting of only one warehouse. Include the steps you need to take in order to design the optimal network. What information and data is needed to make this determination? What strategy will be employed in this network? 750 – 1,000 words (3 – 4 pages) … Read more

How could you potentially set up an angel investor plan for your proposed business idea? What are the pros and cons of first starting in “your own back yard” as the HerbFarm case exemplifies?

Warehouse/garage gym How could you potentially set up an angel investor plan for your proposed business idea? What are the pros and cons of first starting in “your own back yard” as the HerbFarm case exemplifies?

Your insurance agent is sympathetic to having a neighbor who doesn’t seem to care as much as you about fire safety, but he tells you he can’t sell you such insurance, and he doesn’t think any ethical agent will. Why not? What principle of insurance law is involved?

Insurance You own a warehouse in an industrial district. This year you’ve installed the latest sprinkler and other fire remediation measures. You’re proud of the preventive steps you’ve taken, especially when you consider the neighboring warehouse where the owner has installed the bare minimum to comply with fire department regulations. You call your insurance agent … Read more

Shareholders cannot effectively enforce directors’ breaches of duty in the UK.Discuss.

Answer BOTH Question 1 AND Question 2, which both carry EQUAL MARKS: 1. Projects Plc is a property development company. It has four shareholders. Joan owns 60% of the company’s shares. David, who founded the company with Joan, still owns 16%. Simon, owns 12%. Tessa owns the remaining 12%. The company has four directors: Joan, … Read more