Can you identify the argument, premises, and conclusion presented in the article or video clip and explain its importance?

For this video presentation, you will pick one item that addresses a current issue and make connections to class concepts. The item may be print or video and may be the product of any source. TV commercials can be a great source for this analysis, because you will need to identify, and present which rhetorical … Read more

Complete a short summary paper that contains a brief overview of the problem/issue and target audience, methods, any findings if appropriate, and a lessons-learned section.

Description n lieu of a final examination, students will complete a final project in the form of a Video Log (VLOG). You will create a 5-minute VLOG, with narration and any other techniques you would like to apply (e.g., animation, graphic images, and/or music introduction or ending). You are the principal narrator, but you can … Read more