Describe a condition of interest that involves one of these vitamins or minerals. What are some food sources that could be incorporated into the diet to help prevent the condition?

Vitamin D, calcium, and iron deficiencies Vitamin D, calcium, and iron deficiencies are linked to a number of common conditions. Describe a condition of interest that involves one of these vitamins or minerals. What are some food sources that could be incorporated into the diet to help prevent the condition?

Critically evaluate the evidence-base for the UK dietary recommendations of a nutrient of your choosing .

Critical evaluation of the evidence-base for the UK dietary recommendation of Vitamin D Critically evaluate the evidence-base for the UK dietary recommendations of a nutrient of your choosing – 1,500 words Select one nutrient from the 2016 UK dietary recommendations This can be a macro- or a micronutrient Provide a critical analysis and evaluation of … Read more