Does the organization sell a limited number of fairly homogeneous products and services to largely the same type of customer or does it sell a great variety of products and services to different customers?

Vision and Mission Discussion Research the organizational structure of a company of your choice. Use your understanding of organizational structure to analyze whether this organization’s structure is the best choice for the business they are in. Consider factors such as: Where does the organization do business, for example locally, regionally, nationally, and globally, and how … Read more

How can a decision maker identify strategic factors in a corporation’s external international environment? 

What are the main limits and drawbacks of Porter’s forces Strategic Management (MGT 401) Critical Thinking: Question 1. (8 marks) What is a learning organization? Discuss why is this approach to strategic management better than the more traditional top-down approach in which strategic planning is primarily done by top management.    3 marks (max 350 … Read more

Research the mission and vision statements of different fortune 500 companies and write an essay comparing and contrasting the mission statements of two companies and the vision statements of two companies.

Research the mission and vision statements of different fortune 500 companies and write an essay comparing and contrasting the mission statements of two companies and the vision statements of two companies. Use the same companies for both the mission and vision comparisons or separate companies. Within your essay, include the information below. Include an introduction. … Read more