Explain the function of bacterial sensors and transducers for gene regulation.how do two-component regulatory systems control gene expression in response to environmental changes?give examples.

Chapter 14 Why would having regulated virulence genes be an advantage to a bacterium? What type of mutation(s) would cause genes regulated by a two-component regulatory to be expressed constitutively? Briefly describe the mechanisms by which Rho-dependent termination occurs. Describe how the regulatory mechanism of “quorum sensing” might play a role in the pathogenesis of … Read more

The Power of Bacteria: the genomes of a number of bacterial pathogens have now been completely sequenced. How might the availability of this information affect the definition of virulence factors?

The Power of Bacteria The genomes of a number of bacterial pathogens have now been completely sequenced. How might the availability of this information affect the definition of virulence factors? Why are in vivo expression technologies continuing to turn up housekeeping genes rather than the “virulence genes” the researchers who developed these methods originally envisioned? … Read more