Do you observe a relationship between both variables?Use Excel to fit a linear regression line to the data. What is the fitted regression model?

Relationships between variables. Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: Models help us describe and summarize relationships between variables. Consider the dataset below and respond to the questions that follow: Advertisement ($’000) Sales ($’000) 1068 4489 1026 5611 767 3290 885 4113 1156 4883 1146 5425 892 4414 938 5506 769 3346 … Read more

What is the sample of the study? What is the population of the study that the researchers are generalizing the results to?

Answer the questions using this article Read the attached article.Based on the article, discuss the following questions: 1. What type of research is conducted in the article( exploratory, explanatory, descriptive, program evaluation)? 0.3 points. 2. What are the research hypotheses? Are the research hypotheses nondirectional or directional? 0.3 points. 3. Are the null hypotheses … Read more

If you have categorical, ordered data such as low income, middle income, high income what type of measurement would you have? Why?

MEASUREMENT AND DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS Respond to the following short answer questions from Chapter Three in the Morgan, Leech, Gloeckner, & Barrett textbook: If you have categorical, ordered data such as low income, middle income, high income what type of measurement would you have? Why? (a) Compare and contrast nominal, dichotomous, ordinal, and normal variables. (b) … Read more

Relations Between Two Variables : What statistics are strongly correlated. Select two of those statistics, perform statistical analyses to see if the results confirm your hypothesis.

Relations Between Two Variables Explore statistics of NBA players in season 2021-2022 on NBA website( What statistics are strongly correlated. Select two of those statistics, perform statistical analyses to see if the results confirm your hypothesis. Explain the statistical concepts, how did you perform the analyses, what statistical result did you get, and what does … Read more

Business: explain the importance of classifying variables, validating data, and maintaining an unbiased perspective when analyzing data and learning outcome.

Business •Explain the importance of classifying variables, validating data, and maintaining an unbiased perspective when analyzing data and learning outcome. •Summarize data that has been collected using the appropriate tools.

Critique a research question: what is the goal of your research?

Critique a research question Need to make sure the attached student paper answered all the following questions below and if not make suggestions such as Does their specified project meet all of the general research project requirements? If not, comment about what should revise in their study so that it meets the outlined requirements below … Read more