How much more of the constrained item would we need to acquire (i.e. labor hours or pounds of raw material) for the revised production plan?

Homework 7 You work for a pharmaceutical company that produces 6 products at their plant. One of these products (Prod 5) is used to treat a seasonal illness. Demand for all other products is relatively stable. You want to develop a method to forecast the demand for Prod 5. a. You have gathered the weekly … Read more

Find the equation of the trendline and use it to predict the value of Y corresponding to an X-value of 2.5.

Choosing Regression Models W11_Qfiles Use the table provided for Question 1 in the Excel file and answer the following questions: Question 1 Using Excel’s trendline feature, find which type of model best fits the data, going by the r-value. Find the equation of the trendline and use it to predict the value of Y corresponding to … Read more