Pick two states other than Florida for comparison-What is the average salary for those states?

Academic and Career Planning – 30 Points – Estimated time to complete – 90 minutes Responses should be original, in your own words, not copy and paste from a website or word for word from a video. Watch the Top 10 Reasons to Visit Academic Advising video in Chapter 9 Online Lecture content. Identify 2 … Read more

Discuss a time someone has relationally transgressed against you-Was it a minor or major transgression (see pg. 305)

Aggression Verbal hostility Physical violence As you think about transgressions you’ve experienced, you will recognize that there are several dimensions to each one. Some are deliberate. Some are unintentional. Some are a one time thing, verses incremental or repetitive. Discuss a time someone has relationally transgressed against you. Was it a minor or major transgression … Read more

How can you utilize your new knowledge to use these current models to be a better listener?

Effective listening Discussion Read Chapter 4 of textbook (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1deSQAy2Ylmd8eUYhh….) Find two scholarly articles that discuss the importance of listening effectively. Summarize what you learned from your textbook and your two scholarly articles by answering these questions: What are the two best ways to learn to listen actively? Analyze the current models on how to listen. … Read more