analyze the reasons why there were low biking activities on Jan. 27 th, 2015? Provide your brief answers with the related web-link on a fresh worksheet

Data Analytics Practice With Tableau (I) Getting Tableau Program; Download/Upload Real Business Data a) Open the website of the real business that we are working with at: b) View and make a note for the default system data properties the website provided c) Download the needed data of 201501-citibike-tripdata.csv from Canvas-Assignment– Data Analytics Exercise … Read more

Create an animated and visualized view with hourly departures during the month in New York area.

Data Analytics Practice With Tableau (I) Getting Tableau Program; Download/Upload Real Business Data a) Open the website of the real business that we are working with at: b) View and make a note for the default system data properties the website provided c) Download the needed data of 201501-citibike-tripdata.csv from Canvas-Assignment–Data Analytics Exercise with … Read more

Which state had the lowest sales-What was the total dollar amount?

Do any states not meet the $850,000 minimum sales level Assignment 5 – Analysis with Tableau Background: The demand for college graduates with data analytics skills has exploded, while the tools and techniques are continuing to evolve and change at a rapid pace. This case illustrates how data analytics can be performed. As you analyze … Read more