Explain how BHM can use historical data to make decisions.

Deliverable 4 – Executive Report Scenario You have just started your management consulting firm and have signed your first major client, BHM Marketing, which specializes in small business advertising. The client has seen exponential growth with their business over the past three years and would like to start using historical data from their client engagements … Read more

Give a brief synopsis for each of the three topics. And then respond to how you feel about each topic.

Writing questions Give a brief synopsis for each of the three topics. And then respond to how you feel about each topic. Have you seen or heard of these topics in your own experience? 1) Asian women and misogyny (7 pts) have been dealt a complex and difficult role in the United States. First are … Read more

Conduct a strategic analysis using the Executive Summary template,prepare and submit an executive summary that includes three-page analysis, and references.

•Conduct a strategic analysis using the Executive Summary template,prepare and submit an executive summary that includes three-page analysis, and references. •The analysis discusses what strategic alternatives are available and needs to provide a recommended strategy. Synopsis of the Case:  The content of the synopsis should present relevant background facts about the case under examination. Relevant Factual … Read more

Select three federal regulations/policies that have an impact on your choice.provide a brief synopsis of the key points of each regulation and how they relate to your choice.

Case study Review any scenario by use of textbooks or Internet research to help you thoroughly answer the following questions. Submit your answers to 5.27 in a word document or pdf. References should be cited in APA format. Your answers will be graded in accordance with the attached rubric. 1.Choose access, cost, or quality. 2. … Read more

PRODUCT: read each of these articles and write a synopsis of your reading.

PRODUCT Read each of these articles and write a synopsis of your reading. Constantinides, E. (2006) The Marketing Mix Revisited: Towards the 21st Century Marketing, Journal of Marketing Management.  doi.org/10.1362/026725706776861190 Almquist, E.; Senior, J.; & Bloch, N. (2016).  The elements of value. Harvard Business Review, 94(9), 46-53. Bergh, C.  (2018).  The CEO of Levi Strauss on … Read more

Choose 3 resources from your own library, community, or Internet search and write a synopsis of the resource.

In addition to the more current readings in the course modules, there remain many other resources on Human Sexuality topics. Choose 3 resources from your own library, community, or Internet search and write a synopsis of the resource. They can be research based or not, just as long as it addresses a sexuality issue. In … Read more

Describe your plan for completing the final project.

Final Project: Synopsis and Project Plan Submit a 2-3 page synopsis of the book you read about your leader(Winnie Mandela is the leader I picked but haven’t read any books on her) Describe your plan for completing the final project. Your plan should include the intended medium of your presentation (PowerPoint, etc), the topics that … Read more