pick a money number goal, set 3 timelines and what you will invest in to get there i.e. stocks, ETFs etc. Present in a PPT format.

Use the compound interest calculator to determine what you need to do to build a substantial nest egg. Compound interest simulation Use the compound interest calculator to determine what you need to do to build a substantial nest egg. Compound Interest Calculator | Investor.govDetermine how much your money can grow using the power of compound … Read more

Use an internet resource to track the value of your investment portfolio over the next five weeks. Based on the portfolio value at the end, find your return for the five-week period. Which investments did better, and which did worse?

Investment portfolio Choose three stocks, three bonds, and three mutual funds that you think would make good investments. Imagine that you invest $1,000 in each of these nine investments. Use an internet resource to track the value of your investment portfolio over the next five weeks. Based on the portfolio value at the end, find … Read more

The Cash Flow: Develop a paper analyses on the relationship between margins, margins volatility and sales growth rate within the last 15 years horizon.

The Cash Flow The Cash Flow or volatility discount or premium applied by market participants to securities traded on the stock market. Develop a paper analyses on the relationship between margins, margins volatility and sales growth rate within the last 15 years horizon. A key focus should be during 2019-2020 and 2008-2010 stock market crisis. … Read more