Friday Effect : Formulate at least two sets of null/alternative hypotheses. Is there a statistically significant Friday effect in the stock market?

Friday Effect Are Stock Prices Lower on Fridays? Write an essay that will answer the following prompt (6-7 pages) citing at least 8 peer-reviewed sources (include the links in the references – APA 7th), those resources should back your arguments up and you should explain the theory and the logic behind your answers. The prompt: … Read more

Corporate Finance: describe the types of shares and trading of these shares in stock market.

Corporate Finance Calculations should be done in a Excel File. Part I. In order to complete this part you will have to choose a publicly traded company which also have issued bonds. You can check here if your company issued any bonds: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an … Read more

Stock market: record the dates of buying and selling, number of shares, price per share, total purchases and sales.

Stock market Index purchase (Stock Market #2): On Friday of the fourth week from your starting date, simulate a $50,000 purchase of SPIDERS (Trading symbol SPY). SPIDERS stands for shares of an Exchange Traded Fund traded in the AMEX. SPIDERS mimics the Standard & Poor 500 Index, a broad market index. This strategy will work … Read more