Analyzing Data : Now that you have run your statistical test(s), share your results with the class. Was the test significant? Not significant? How can you interpret this finding?

Analyzing Data Now that you have run your statistical test(s), share your results with the class. Was the test significant? Not significant? How can you interpret this finding? Be sure to re-share your hypothesis/hypotheses with the class.    

Psychology Lab Report:Phone Screen Times: create an appendix including any supporting data  figures/tables from the experiment info sheet as well as images of stimuli/experiment images.

Psychology Lab Report – Phone Screen Times Run a t-test to reject showing result is significant Plot scatter graphs to show partial correlations. Create an appendix including any supporting data  figures/tables from the experiment info sheet as well as images of stimuli/experiment images Re-include data on outliers – box plot results need to be explained. … Read more