State a possible solution to the problem (either proposed or already implemented) and how it affects the various elements described in question 2

Select a problem persistent to local metropolitan areas DILLON’S RULE VERSUS HOME RULE PAPER The Dillon’s Rule versus Home Rule Debate centers around cost/ benefits surrounding the standardization that comes from the centralized control of Dillon’s Rule and the creative freedom to act independently to address needs on the local level. In 2-3 page paper, … Read more

”Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of standardization in product design.conclude by identifying and discussing three current trends in design.”

”Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of standardization in product design. Conclude by identifying and discussing three current trends in design.” Use standard essay format and it must have a minimum of at least 3 paragraphs (ie Intro, body and conclusion). Responses must be double spaced using a standard font (i.e. Times New Roman) and use … Read more