Based on the above, what are the potential problem areas for your workplace?

Freedom of Speech. You designated a “workplace application” in Module 1 and articulated goals and stakeholders. Write a paragraph that connects the concepts from this module to the workplace application goals and stakeholders. Workplace problems: Based on the above, what are the potential problem areas for your workplace?  

Develop a strategic plan for the company you have used throughout this course and share it with stakeholders.

Strategic Plan. Develop a strategic plan for the company you have used throughout this course and share it with stakeholders. Create a 10- to 15-slide presentation for key stakeholders to solicit their approval of your strategic plan. Address the following in your presentation: An introduction with mission and vision statements . Core values, ethics, and … Read more

Create a professional presentation of your evidence-based intervention and change proposal to be disseminated to an inter professional audience of leaders and stakeholders.

Change Proposal Presentation. Create a professional presentation of your evidence-based intervention and change proposal to be disseminated to an inter professional audience of leaders and stakeholders. Include the intervention, evidence-based literature, objectives, resources needed, anticipated measurable outcomes, and how the intervention would be evaluated.

What strategies do project managers use to assess, monitor, and communicate project risks to stakeholders?

Project Management IT director came to you requesting additional functionality in the software that was not a part of the original scope. You know that accepting these changes will negatively impact the project’s timeline and the budget. Thoroughly answer the following questions: • What is the rationale behind making a scope change once the project … Read more

Demonstrate critical understanding of client briefing to the process of developing land and property in all sectors.

Development and Appraisal Assignment 1 Demonstrate critical understanding of the property development cycle, the process of valuing and developing land for residential, industrial and commercial purposes and the ability to communicate information, arguments and analysis effectively to advise stakeholders. 2 Demonstrate critical understanding of client briefing to the process of developing land and property in … Read more

Create a suggestion system, like a digital suggestion box, for stakeholders to provide their input about the company.

Digital suggestion Create a suggestion system, like a digital suggestion box, for stakeholders to provide their input about the company. Establish a social media presence and monitor comments to track stakeholder interests and preferences. Appoint an employee team to study how competitors are serving customers Conduct formal research including focus groups and surveys to generate … Read more

Outline critically how the contemporary issue is relevant to children and/or young in the social context.

How Covid-19 affect international student academically in University. Critically discuss the chosen contemporary issue with reference to relevant theory, literature and policy. Outline critically how the contemporary issue is relevant to children and/or young in the social context. Utilise a range of literature to critically explain how the contemporary issue impacts on varied stakeholders. Demonstrate … Read more

Write a 2 page paper.Pretend you are an entrepreneur selling a good or a service. Briefly describe your product and then, using your business as an example, explain the following.

Entreprenuer Write a 2 page paper. Pretend you are an entrepreneur selling a good or a service. Briefly describe your product and then, using your business as an example, explain the following: Is your product a good or a service and what is the difference between the two?, How do businesses make money (use the … Read more

Hospital-associated infections : Examine health care data on hospital-associated infections and determine the best methods for presenting the data to stakeholders.

Hospital-associated infections Examine health care data on hospital-associated infections and determine the best methods for presenting the data to stakeholders. Use the scenario below and the “Hospital Associated Infections Data” Excel spreadsheet to complete the assignment. Scenario You have been tasked with displaying Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) hospital quality measures data for … Read more

Identify two people, at two different levels that you need to communicate with for your project and compare/contrast your communication with them based on each of the five rights of communication.

Communication in Project Management Think about all of the stakeholders and colleagues that must be kept up to date on the status of your project. The recipient of your communication may be upstream (higher on the organizational chart), lateral (an equal organizationally), or downstream (i.e. end user) in relation to the project. A student in … Read more