What is the issue at hand: use the provided incident in Canvas, and customize the player or club you plan to help with your “official statement”briefly describe what happened in your example issue.

A Key Stakeholder Makes a Racist Comment This group of PR Nightmare assignments will challenge you to publicly respond to a specific type of case that impacts your sports organization. Your response should take into consideration the issue at hand, and provide a balanced and measured appropriate response to this breaking news issue. You can … Read more

Stakeholder or Stockholder: is your current organization managed by the stakeholder or stockholder approach?do you agree/disagree with the approach that has been utilized?

Stakeholder or Stockholder Analyze a current or past organization where you have worked. Is your current organization managed by the stakeholder or stockholder approach? Do you agree/disagree with the approach that has been utilized? If you agree with the approach, please state why. If you disagree, what changes would you make? Be specific with your … Read more