Write a paper on natural tourism and how its increasing presence in the tourism sector exerts a huge economic impact on the rural areas where natural parks are located.

Economic impact of Geoturism in natural protected areas in Europe and Spain. Write a paper on natural tourism and how its increasing presence in the tourism sector exerts a huge economic impact on the rural areas where natural parks are located.

Spain Service Project : Propose a service project that will promote study abroad and the Gilman Scholarship.Plan your follow-on service project. Identify a specific audience that falls into one of Gilman’s preferred categories.

Spain Service Project. Propose a service project that will promote study abroad and the Gilman Scholarship. Plan your follow-on service project. Identify a specific audience that falls into one of Gilman’s preferred categories. Be creative yet practical and specific about how you will complete the project.

”The Age of Change” :discuss the reforms of 18th century that restructured colonial Latin America and its relationship with Spain and Portugal.

Description ”The Age of Change” :discuss the reforms of 18th century that restructured colonial Latin America and its relationship with Spain and Portugal. Explain what brought these reforms about, what were they and what effect did they have in colonial Latin America?