Saylors International Business section : Identify a country from Asia, Europe, Africa, South America. If it helps to imagine a particular industry or product, do, but it is not necessary.Suggest one relationship builder you would use to start work in this country.

 Saylors International Business section Select a single country and provide 1-2 paragraphs addressing each of the following. You can see how the topics align to the reading. Cite your sources with each response Identify a country from Asia, Europe, Africa, South America. If it helps to imagine a particular industry or product, do, but it … Read more

SCENARIO: Knowing how the firm responded, what would you have done differently?What are some steps you think the firm could have taken to prevent this incident?Is your business susceptible? How are you going to reduce your risk?

SCENARIO:A 10-person consulting firm sent a small team to South America to complete a client project. During their stay, an employee used a business debit card at a local ATM. A month after returning to the US, the firm received overdraft notices from their bank. They identified fraudulent withdrawals of $13,000, all originating from South … Read more