Write a 5-page essay discussing the importance of the sound judgment of an author when critiquing a topic.

The Importance of Sound Judgement in critiquing literature and reports Write a 5-page essay discussing the importance of the sound judgment of an author when critiquing a topic. The writer can make his/her own conclusions and essay divisions. Any documentation and footnotes are the discretion of the author. No particular style is required.

Critical Incident Analysis: Critically examine the role and responsibilities of the nurse in safeguarding people across the lifespan elucidating key concepts, policy and law that influence decision making.

Critical Incident Analysis •Critically examine the role and responsibilities of the nurse in safeguarding people across the lifespan elucidating key concepts, policy and law that influence decision making. •Risk assess and critically evaluate situations where there is risk to an individual or group demonstrating sound judgement and articulate professional responses.