Social Work Theory and Clinical Practice : Provide a presentation that should include 11–12 slides addressing the following:

Social Work Theory and Clinical Practice Provide a presentation that should include 11–12 slides addressing the following: • Identify the presenting problem for the case study you selected. • Identify all the relevant roles assumed by the client. • Analyze the social expectations and social and cultural norms revolving around the role, social position, and … Read more

Critically analyse and evaluate an example from your own practice that, during your placement, involved working with risk of harm and safeguarding with a service service user, carer, family or group.

Critically analyse and evaluate an example from your own practice that, during your placement, involved working with risk of harm and safeguarding with a service service user, carer, family or group. Explain the purpose of your placement setting, identifying its social policy and legislative context and evaluating its effectiveness. Discuss how you gained an understanding … Read more

outline and discuss the major content phases of the planning process

  In this paper, you must outline and discuss the major content phases of the planning process. You should utilize all relevant course material and display and reference theoretical foundations and models which have been learned in Social Work Theory and Methods I and II. Clearly state in your paper how the theories and models … Read more