Explain and describe one or two of the social psychology concepts that you learned about in this unit.

Social psychology Explain and describe one or two of the social psychology concepts that you learned about in this unit. You may decide to choose from the following: Self-fulfilling prophecy Group think Correspondence bias Reciprocal altruism Cognitive dissonance Social loafing Conformity

Social psychology : Formulate original ideas for application of insight from social thinking, social influence, or social relations to a career proceeding from your selected branch of applied psychology.

Social psychology Discuss basic research applicable to solving real world problems in this domain. Explain a minimum of three specific, relevant social psychological concepts. Predict cultural considerations that may impact the application of this insight to diverse contexts. Formulate original ideas for application of insight from social thinking, social influence, or social relations to a … Read more

Social Psychology Experiment: Pick any experiment of your choice and write a description of the experiment and evaluate it. What did you think of the study? What was the title and the purpose of the study? Any ethical concerns?

Social Psychology Experiment Go to https://www.socialpsychology.org/expts.htm#sbeliefs (Links to an external site.). Pick any experiment of your choice and write a description of the experiment and evaluate it. What did you think of the study? What was the title and the purpose of the study? Any ethical concerns? Responses should be at least three paragraphs with … Read more

Social Psychology: review both passive and active conditioning and how each of these models results in changes to one’s nervous system that we might call a schema or “mental map.”

Social Psychology 1. Review both passive (classical) and active (operant) conditioning and how each of these models results in changes to one’s nervous system that we might call a schema or “mental map.” 2. Explore how emotions are processed in the nervous system to “color” our understanding of events we experience. 3. Taking ideas about … Read more

From what you know of social psychology, or other pertinent psychology topics, why might this study have been important?

Briefly describe the problem (or research question), the hypothesis, the procedure (participants, methods) and results of the study. Do you see any potential problems with this study, i.e., methodological issues, ethical concerns, etc.? Do you agree with the authors’ conclusions? Are there other factors we should consider? In your opinion, could this study be repeated … Read more