Critically evaluate the principles and processes involved in developing integrated marketing communications, including the impact of technology and other environmental influences on marketing communications and the media.

Search and Social Media Marketing. 1.Critically discuss the evolution of online marketing strategies and the latest trends and practices. 2.Critically discuss and evaluate websites based on their search and social media optimization and digital presence. 3.Critically evaluate the principles and processes involved in developing integrated marketing communications, including the impact of technology and other environmental … Read more

Digital Social Media Marketing Advertising Campaign : Create a digital social media marketing campaign. Take the things you know and can develop with ease.

Digital Social Media Marketing Advertising Campaign Create a digital social media marketing campaign. Take the things you know and can develop with ease. The food you like, a product you use, a company you shop and repurpose their ideas and change it up on how you would make a new campaign fit it to your … Read more

Social Media Marketing: write an expertise article that compiles six short paragraphs from an industry “expert” on social media marketing.

Social Media Marketing Write an expertise article that compiles six short paragraphs from an industry “expert” on Social Media Marketing. The assignment will consist of 1 Introductory Paragraph 2.Write 6 Short paragraphs (4 sentences minimum each) (different insights on Social Media Marketing topic  for each, for example tips, trends, etc. 3.Concluding paragraphs. (3 pages)

How would you, as a leader, monitor what’s going on with your social media marketing to ensure it’s ethical/appropriate before it gets posted?

Social media is a very powerful marketing tool, especially if you actively engage with your audience — the ones who are following you. Things can go sour very quickly on any social media channel when you allow people to comment, which is what you should do, of course. What one person thinks is acceptable, another … Read more

 Social Media Marketing: watch the following videos of shows and write a 100-word review of one or both shows.

Social Media Marketing  Watch the following videos of shows and write a 100-word review of one or both shows. Watch the episode of DUST on YouTube called “Sight”, a disturbing short sci-fi film that imagines a world in which Googlc Glass-inspired apps arc everywhere. Watch the first episode of The D’Amelio Show, featuring TikTok star … Read more