Nurse Safe Staffing: analyze the impact of sociocultural, economic, and environmental influences on health care policies to understand consumer challenges related to equity, access, affordability, and social justice in health care.

Nurse Safe Staffing •Analyze the impact of sociocultural, economic, and environmental influences on health care policies to understand consumer challenges related to equity, access, affordability, and social justice in health care. •Evaluate the political advocacy process to identify opportunities for nursing professional involvement. Assignment Guidelines 1. Identify at least five sources pertinent to the consumer … Read more

Niagara Falls : write up your walkabout, use your course readings to discuss assessment, empowerment, social justice through a cultural lens, as well as community development.

Niagara Falls  Choose a neighborhood to walk about. The neighborhood you choose should be new to you and should consist of people who are outside of your natural networks. As you walk about the community, observe its assets instead of its deficits. Talk with at least two people in the community. Try talking to people … Read more

Identify a consumer challenge related to equity, access, affordability, and/or social justice in health care and analyzed the impact of legislation on the problem.discuss the potential solutions and ways of recommending them.

Social Justice Project:Literature Review and Evidence-Based Practice Recommendations Identify a consumer challenge related to equity, access, affordability, and/or social justice in health care and analyzed the impact of legislation on the problem.Discuss the potential solutions and ways of recommending them. 5 page paper .Use APA style for your citations and references.  

How will you incorporate a macro perspective in your work as a social worker?

Imagine yourself, post-school, in a social work job of your interest a few years from now. Keep in mind that we are working on seeing macro practice in all settings. How will you incorporate a macro perspective in your work as a social worker? How will your macro practice work toward social justice for your … Read more