Address an environmental or social issue.Share a communication or marketing tool will you use and explain why you chose this particular media tool.

Social issue Address an environmental or social issue.Share a communication or marketing tool will you use and explain why you chose this particular media tool. dentify the issue affecting a community and how you hope to help through communication and media to encourage change.

Craft an argument for an academic audience, convincing them of the veracity of your claim on your chosen To Kill a Mockingbird-related social issue.

Truth. Craft an argument for an academic audience, convincing them of the veracity of your claim on your chosen To Kill a Mockingbird-related social issue. Use outside sources to support your argument. Follow the formal writing process to produce a 3- 5 page essay with a MLA formatted Works Cited page

Discuss, compare, and contrast two sociological paradigms of your choice by selecting a social issue and providing an analysis from each perspective.

Major Paradigms Paper . Discuss, compare, and contrast two sociological paradigms of your choice by selecting a social issue and providing an analysis from each perspective. The social issue can be from a current event, a social theme or trend you observe, or even an issue from a movie, television show, or book. Describe the … Read more