Choose one serial killer and write a 3-7 page paper on the life of the killer.Identify a theory and apply it to your serial killer’s life.

Serial killer Choose one serial killer and write a 3-7 page (but less than 10) paper on the life of the killer.Identify a theory and apply it to your serial killer’s life. In this paper back up your theory through the history of the serial killer. Write in APA format and include in text citations … Read more

Choose one serial killer and write a 3-7 page paper on the life of the killer. Identify a theory and apply it to your serial killer’s life.

Serial killer Choose one serial killer and write a 3-7 page paper on the life of the killer. Identify a theory and apply it to your serial killer’s life. Write in APA format and include in text citations and references. This paper will be times new roman font, 12 pt and double spaced.

Monster: why did Wuornos become a serial killer?explain

Monster Write a 2 page paper answering these follow question: Why did Wuornos become a serial killer?Explain Briefly discuss two theories that support your explanation? What facts in Wuornos’ life support the selection of these theories? Be specific state specific examples that led you to select these theories. Does a female serial killer differ from … Read more

Distinguish between deductive and inductive criminal profiling and provide examples of each.

Develop a 2-3 page essay, per question (excluding title and reference page). A minimum of 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly sources per question are to be utilized for the assignment. Sources should also be up-to-date (less than 10 years old). Direct quotes are not permitted. Distinguish between deductive and inductive criminal profiling and provide examples of each. … Read more