What are the five goals of sentencing? Which strategy do you believe works the best? Which is the least effective? Which method do you believe the United States currently uses? Can they be used in conjunction with one another or do they work more effectively independent of one another?

Sentencing. What are the five goals of sentencing? Which strategy do you believe works the best? Which is the least effective? Which method do you believe the United States currently uses? Can they be used in conjunction with one another or do they work more effectively independent of one another?

What are your views about this more recent way of criminal sanctioning?what overall advice would you give to assure that this new system of sentencing is used appropriately?

Today we have transitioned from an either/ or choice between the use of incarceration, or the use of probation, to the use of graduated sanctions, affording us a wide array of possible sentencing options, as referred to in the text. What are your views about this more recent way of criminal sanctioning? What overall advice … Read more

Describe the five goals of contemporary criminal sentencing. Which of these goals do you think ought to be the primary goal of sentencing?

Describe the five goals of contemporary criminal sentencing. Which of these goals do you think ought to be the primary goal of sentencing? How might your choice vary with the type of offense? In what circumstances might your choice be less acceptable? In 2-3 paragraphs explain the difference between indeterminate and structured sentencing. What led … Read more