What do the cited two articles below tell us about the securitarian turn in European integration? Discuss by linking your derivations from these articles in an essay

Securitarian. What do the cited two articles below tell us about the securitarian turn in European integration? Discuss by linking your derivations from these articles in an essay? Huysmans, J. (2000) “The European Union and the Securitization of Migration,” Journal of Common Market Studies, 38 (5): 751-777. Bigo, D. (2014) “The (in)securitization practices of the … Read more

Securitarian : What do the cited two articles below tell us about the securitarian turn in European integration? Discuss by linking your derivations from these articles in an essay .

Securitarian What do the cited two articles below tell us about the securitarian turn in European integration? Discuss by linking your derivations from these articles in an essay . (30 points): Huysmans, J. (2000) “The European Union and the Securitization of Migration,” Journal of Common Market Studies, 38 (5): 751-777. Bigo, D. (2014) “The (in)securitization … Read more