What is the Company, SAP?what services do they provide?List how many large companies use SAP and where (in the world) SAP is used?list the names of three or more companies which use SAP.

SAP Assignment View the three videos on SAP, which you can access via Mind Tap Module 11. The videos are: Conversational ERP – Lesson 1 – What is ERP? Link: https://youtu.be/kGQ1fNQVbj8 What is SAP: The Absolute Beginners Guide Link: https://youtu.be/K-TWZwcybLo What is SAP? Why do we need ERP? Beginner Tutorial Link: https://youtu.be/lYCEQqSM08I Answer the questions … Read more

Compare conscious business and classic business.what can they both learn from one another using companies of SAP and Salesforce.

Conscious Business: SAP and Salesforce. Compare conscious business and classic business.What can they both learn from one another using companies of SAP and Salesforce. Use the 4 tenets of conscious capitalism and give examples of the company under each of the 4 tenets.