How significant were the five year plans for Russia up to 1941?

How significant were the five year plans for Russia up to 1941? Paragraph: [Factor] 1)Introduce your factor 2) explain how it shows significance 3) discuss what evidence there is to support this 4) include specific source material/evidence (1-2 pieces) to support your idea 5) discuss it links back to the question and how significant it … Read more

Why did Alexander Kerensky and the leaders of the March Revolution decide to continue Russia’s involvement in Word War I?how did this effect the future of their government?

Answer these questions in as much detail as possible. 1. Why did Alexander Kerensky and the leaders of the March Revolution decide to continue Russia’s involvement in Word War I? How did this effect the future of their government? 2. Identify and explain three advantages enjoyed by the Bolsheviks which allowed them to defeat White … Read more

Choose one of the areas impacted by these changes and discuss whether the changes which took place there were an example of westernization or modernization.make certain to provide at least two examples to defend your position.

Examine the significant cultural, technological, economic, and societal changes in Asia, Russia, and Africa. Examined the concepts of “Westernization” and “modernization”. Choose one of the areas impacted by these changes and discuss whether the changes which took place there were an example of “Westernization” or “modernization”. Make certain to provide at least two examples to … Read more