Why did some states refuse to allow women the right to vote while other states did not?

The Women Suffrage Movement The Women Suffrage Movement and how the effects of it changed the way women are seen today. It is an important part of history because without this movement we would not have the 19th amendment, which allows the right of women too vote today. Regardless of democracies that were emerging around … Read more

In a two-page paper, identify the physics principles contained within the following scenario. Explain how these principles connect to Einstein’s theory of relativity or in modern applications in physics.

Physics principles In a two-page paper, identify the physics principles contained within the following scenario. Explain how these principles connect to Einstein’s theory of relativity or in modern applications in physics. If you use a GPS option on your car or a mobile device, you are using Einstein’s theory of relativity. Provide another example from … Read more

The Rise of Multicultural Empires : Choose two empires from the list below and discuss the impact of one geographical factor on each of the empires selected

The Rise of Multicultural Empires A. Choose two empires from the list below: • Greece • Rome • Persia • China 1. Discuss the impact of one geographical factor on each of the empires selected in part A (suggested length of 2–3 paragraphs). B. Describe two unique cultural characteristics for each of the empires you … Read more

Historical event : What caused the bishop of Rome, as opposed to the ones in Constantinople, Antioch, Alexandria, or other key cities, to gain such influence? What events might have ended differently if the seat of ecclesiastical power had been in the East?

Historical event What caused the bishop of Rome, as opposed to the ones in Constantinople, Antioch, Alexandria, or other key cities, to gain such influence? What events might have ended differently if the seat of ecclesiastical power had been in the East? Explaining how each respective historical event shaped and shifted.