Toulmin or Rogers argument : Write a 1500 word paper on Toulmin or Rogers argument.

Toulmin or Rogers argument Write a 1500 word paper on Toulmin or Rogers argument. Be sure that each paragraph has strong backing that includes expert testimony, statistics, well developed examples, field research, strong logic/facts. Be sure that each paragraph has an acknowledgement of the opposition and a refutation of it . Please follow these guidelines: … Read more

Develop a 2-page scenario showing how you would handle the case study below when dealing with an LGBTQ+ student.

Develop a 2-page scenario showing how you would handle the case study below when dealing with an LGBTQ+ student. Bring in some terminology, techniques or approaches from either Rogers, Perls or Glasser, our theories for this week. Case Study topic to be used : Background: Suburban public middle school in NJ – 400 students – … Read more