August Wilson’s Radio Golf : Examine a city anywhere in the world undergoing “revitalization/gentrification” over the last 20 years.

August Wilson’s Radio Golf 12-pt font, Times New Roman, double-spaced, citation page, no title. Examine a city anywhere in the world undergoing “revitalization/gentrification” over the last 20 years. What arguments were/are made for and against such projects and how do they echo discussions raised in August Wilson’s Radio Golf? Use at least two direct quotes … Read more

What kinds of natural or human built features are located on the site? How would you describe the vegetation, the buildings, the street systems where it is located, the way sun or shade moves across it?

City as Text Choose a place that provokes questions for you and that is interesting enough that you will want to keep studying it for the rest of the semester. As noted above, pick a place that a. you find interesting; b. you can access multiple times throughout the term; and b. provides the right … Read more