Was there really a 12th-century Renaissance?Make an argument.

Western Civilization Was there really a 12th-century Renaissance?Make an argument. Directly address the topic Demonstrate a grasp of historical facts and the narrative and, most importantly, offer an explanation that answers questions such as: “how?” “why?” “what does it mean?” “why is it important?”  

The Age of Discovery : Submit a two paragraph response, summarizing the documentary and identifying ideas and key points that you learned while watching it.

The Age of Discovery. View the documentary below, discussing the history of Western Music from antiquity through to the Renaissance. It is an excellent presentation of many of the topics we have addressed up to this point in class. Submit a two paragraph response, summarizing the documentary and identifying ideas and key points that you … Read more

Select a renaissance or baroque artist write an essay where you analyze one of their paintings or sculptures, as if you are a time traveler temporarily living in the artist’s contemporary period.

Select a renaissance or baroque artist write an essay where you analyze one of their paintings or sculptures, as if you are a time traveler temporarily living in the artist’s contemporary period. (2.5 pages; Times New Roman; 12-point; double-spaced)

Women in the Renaissance: how did women contribute to and experience the Renaissance? Did the Renaissance lead to an improvement in women’s lives? Find one female Renaissance creator (artist, writer, sculptor, architect, or patroness) to use as an example of female contributions in the Italian Renaissance.

Women in the Renaissance How did women contribute to and experience the Renaissance? Did the Renaissance lead to an improvement in women’s lives? Find one female Renaissance creator (artist, writer, sculptor, architect, or patroness) to use as an example of female contributions in the Italian Renaissance.    Final Thought: Why do you think there were … Read more