Religious freedom : Under what circumstances, if any, should religious freedom take precedence over the law? Illustrate your answer with specific examples.

Religious freedom •What is the proper boundary between church and state? •Should the First Amendment be interpreted strictly so that no one’s rights are infringed by government sponsorship of religion or should it be interpreted loosely to recognize that the U.S. First Amendment is a very religious country? •On the matter of religious freedom, what … Read more

State powers-Go online and look up your state constitution(OHIO). Choose three state sections such as religious freedom, freedom of the press, etc. and discuss the guidelines for each.

State powers. The state is Ohio,  use Ohio Go online and look up your state constitution(OHIO). Choose three state sections such as religious freedom, freedom of the press, etc. and discuss the guidelines for each. Compare these sections to the equivalent section in the United States Bill of Rights. List differences, if any.