Summarize the pros and cons for Ethical Relativism and Ethical Absolutism. What distinctions can be made between descriptive and normative ethics in the arguments for relativism?

Ethics Please use video and material provided only answer one question Using the text and online resources in this module, summarize any video, and respond to one of the following focused questions in at least 500 words. Focused Questions: 1. Summarize the pros and cons for Ethical Relativism and Ethical Absolutism. What distinctions can be … Read more

Define both concepts in a few paragraphs using some current examples of criminal activities that impact United States as well as some other country/countries around the your posts address the benefits of both approaches.

Nelken, 2009 discusses the differences between ethnocentrism and relativism with regard to the value of studying comparative Criminal Justice System. Define both concepts in a few paragraphs using some current examples of criminal activities that impact United States as well as some other country/countries around the world. In your posts address the benefits of both … Read more