Within England and Wales, the purposes of sentencing are the punishment of offenders, the reduction of crime, the reform and rehabilitation of offenders, the protection of the public, and reparation. How does the system seek to do this, and are these principles achievable?

Dealing with Offending Behaviour Two. Within England and Wales, the purposes of sentencing are the punishment of offenders, the reduction of crime, the reform and rehabilitation of offenders, the protection of the public, and reparation. How does the system seek to do this, and are these principles achievable?  

Rehabilitation and programming : Write a 2-3 page paper about the importance of rehabilitation and programming in a correctional setting.

Rehabilitation and programming In September 1971, one of the worse disturbances in correctional history occurred at Attica, New York. Forty-three deaths occurred during the disturbance and its aftermath. Conditions at the facility emphasized security over rehabilitation or programming. Assignment #3 will focus on how rehabilitation and programming can assist with keeping correctional institutions safe and … Read more

Design a training load monitoring tool (in excel) and present/evaluate the data or infographic which will promote a change in behaviour

Late Stage Rehabilitation & Return to Play Testing. An introduction into the rationale for training load monitoring (10marks) Design a training load monitoring tool (in excel) and present/evaluate the data or infographic which will promote a change in behaviour (25marks) Discuss and interpret the data in the context of injury risk and predictive capacity (25marks) … Read more

Develop a realistic case and identify a chronic illness and its relationship to rehabilitation.

Develop a realistic case and identify a chronic illness and its relationship to rehabilitation. Identify chronic illness and its relationship to rehabilitation. Choose from one:COPD, CHF, Stroke, Hip fracture Create interventions that support an older adult’s adaptation to the chronic illness or disability. Describe the nurse’s role in assisting older adults in managing chronic conditions. … Read more

Rehabilitation of Offenders: choose one of the sources listed below and make a critical analysis addressing the following headings :

Rehabilitation of Offenders Choose ONE of the sources listed below and make a critical analysis addressing the following headings : • Identify and critically evaluate the line of reasoning • Identify and Evaluate the evidence in the text • Identify the writer’s conclusions • Evaluate whether the evidence supports the conclusions Article Options: 1. Carlen, … Read more

Would the role of PO as “coach” (packet) be helpful in resolving this “cop vs. social worker” conflict?explain your position.

The main decision made by those working in the probation field is how to manage their dual responsibilities of law enforcement and offender rehabilitation. If 1= enforcement, and 8= rehabilitation, where do you think you would generally fall, given the wide variety of cases you would supervise, if you were to work as a probation … Read more