Select a reputable local or regional organization that serves at least one vulnerable population. Learn about the organization through information readily available.Find out how a member of the vulnerable population would access the services of this organization, what services are available, what health issues are addressed, how the services are financed, the hours of operation and who is employed by the organization .

Organizations Serving Vulnerable Populations. Explore an organization that serves a vulnerable population. Select a reputable local or regional organization that serves at least one vulnerable population. Learn about the organization through information readily available.Find out how a member of the vulnerable population would access the services of this organization, what services are available, what health … Read more

Is government corruption one of the challenges facing South Africa in its work against modern slavery?explain.

Is South Africa a part of any regional organization?Discuss. Is government corruption one of the challenges facing South Africa in its work against modern slavery?Explain.  What’s the labour union situation like there, and is there a framework for effective labour inspection? Have there been any sort of consequences or sanctions against South Africa by international … Read more