Utilizing course readings and lectures, describe 3 of the ramifications of this process. In other words, how does this colonial legacy help us explain many of the conditions we see in the world today?

European colonization We inhabit a world that is a product of European colonization and the domination of non-European people, including the institution of slavery that gave way to massive forced and violent migration of people. Utilizing course readings and lectures, describe 3 of the ramifications of this process. In other words, how does this colonial … Read more

Trance Dance: Write an essay that discusses the purposes, ramifications, and power of trance dancing in a culture, with a focus on the transformative intent of both the performer and the audience.

Trance Dance Write an essay that discusses the purposes, ramifications, and power of trance dancing in a culture, with a focus on the transformative intent of both the performer and the audience. Include the following: 1. Define trance dance and pick a cultural example. 2. What is the purpose and ramifications of trance dance? 3. … Read more

How does Dante understand the societal effects of sin?

Dante’s views on sin, as expressed in his Com-media, were profoundly influenced by his experiences in life and the state of Europe, and Italy especially, during his day. Sin is obviously a personal choice, but it has social ramifications. How does Dante understand the societal effects of sin? You will need to state an answer … Read more