Create a Python program that populates an array variable (containing at least five elements) within a loop using input supplied by the user.

Week7 discussion Create a Python program that populates an array variable (containing at least five elements) within a loop using input supplied by the user. It should then perform some modification to each element of the array using a second loop, and then display the modified array in a third loop. Note that there should … Read more

Explore the data using data visualization techniques, such as histograms, scatter plots, and heatmaps.

Assignment2: Exploring the Housing Market in Python Assignment: Exploring the Housing Market in Python Objective: To gain practical experience in importing and managing data in Python, and to use data visualization techniques to explore trends in the housing market. Task: Obtain a dataset of housing prices and related variables such as square footage, number of … Read more

What are the benefits or disadvantages of ER diagrams? Why bother with logical design and not just create tables and columns (physical design) directly?

Database Design Components. 1. Utilize Figure 4.3, Figure 4.4, and Table 4.3 located in the textbook for assistance in completing this discussion question. What are the benefits or disadvantages of ER diagrams? Why bother with logical design and not just create tables and columns (physical design) directly? 2. Programming language, such as JAVA, C, Python, … Read more

Develop a program in Python which simulates the behaviour of a digital circuit performing integer addition and write a report to describe the model, algorithm, data structures, program and testing performed.

Digital circuit performing integer Develop a program in Python which simulates the behaviour of a digital circuit performing integer addition and write a report to describe the model, algorithm, data structures, program and testing performed.

R va Python for Data Science : Identify three advantages of using Python or R for data science and briefly explain your reasoning.

R va Python for Data Science Identify three advantages of using Python or R for data science and briefly explain your reasoning. Also include answers to the following questions: Why is Python or R useful for Data Science? What are some of your favorite functions or libraries in Python or R? Compare Python and R … Read more