How are their financial statements similar and different from those presented in the text? Describe the differences, if any, and explain why you believe the differences exist.

Finance Choose a publicly traded company that you are familiar with. Go to the selected company’s website and look at their annual report (10k). If you prefer, you may also go to the Securities Exchange Commission’s EDGAR database and download the annual report. Review the annual report, paying particular attention to the financial statements and … Read more

Chose a publicly-traded company.What is your company’s principal business activity

Publicly-traded company Chose a publicly-traded company and answered a series of questions on that company. 1: What is your company’s principal business activity? 2: Who is the CFO? What is his/her accounting background? Give as much detail here as you can find. 3: Is your company managing any ethical issues presently? If so, how do … Read more

Corporate Finance: describe the types of shares and trading of these shares in stock market.

Corporate Finance Calculations should be done in a Excel File. Part I. In order to complete this part you will have to choose a publicly traded company which also have issued bonds. You can check here if your company issued any bonds: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an … Read more