Think about your own personal development and how you relate to Erikson’s stages. Consider which factors may have influenced you during this stage. What events do you remember that influenced your development one way or the other?

Development of personality. Erik Erikson studied the development of personality over the course of the entire life span. Review Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development (Schultz & Schultz, 2017, pp.162-170) and construct your own chart, graph, or other visual that illustrates the stages, their respective conflicts, and a practical example of each stage. You will definitely … Read more

Watch the video entitled “conception to birth”.what are your thoughts on the video, what was the most surprising/intriguing thing that you learned?

Watch the video entitled “conception to birth”. What are your thoughts on the video, what was the most surprising/intriguing thing that you learned? Look at the different parenting styles Baumrind discusses in the text. What style of parenting were you raised with? Tell me one thing that impacted your life because of it. Select … Read more