Explain your understanding of the “imprecatory psalms.” In what sense did these function as prayers and petition in ancient Israel? In what manner would they have functioned as “song” within the liturgical context of ancient Israel?

Psalms 35, 109, and 137 Explain your understanding of the “imprecatory psalms.” In what sense did these function as prayers and petition in ancient Israel? In what manner would they have functioned as “song” within the liturgical context of ancient Israel? In what manner should Christians approach these “imprecatory psalms”? Do they in some way … Read more

Psalms: Choose a psalm you will be working on, build a strong bibliography that reflects the current Psalms studies, and write an Annotated Bibliography before working on your paper.

Psalms Choose a psalm you will be working on, build a strong bibliography that reflects the current Psalms studies, and write an Annotated Bibliography before working on your paper. The length of the paper should be 8 to 10 pages, double-spaced.