Prepare your Final Project into a PowerPoint presentation that would be appropriate for a leadership team at a place of business, a professional organization or at a conference.

Final Project PowerPoint Presentation Prepare your Final Project into a PowerPoint presentation that would be appropriate for a leadership team at a place of business, a professional organization or at a conference. The presentation should be no more than 15 slides.  

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation download with detailed speaker’s notes that is written from the perspective of being a practice manager for a community health center within a safety net hospital.

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation download with detailed speaker’s notes that is written from the perspective of being a practice manager for a community health center within a safety net hospital.

Statistical database management and forecasting :create a powerPoint presentation with 10-12 slides about various organizations that conduct health care research

Statistical Database Management and Forecasting As part of the ongoing training for staff at AKT Hospital create a PowerPoint presentation with 10-12 slides about various organizations that conduct health care research The presentation will include a list of 8-10 organizations that conduct health care statistical research. Each slide will have 4-6 bullets and 100-150 words … Read more