Create a 5 – 10 slide PowerPoint presentation that describes how you can be more effective with dealing with other people

Create a 5 – 10 slide PowerPoint presentation that describes how you can be more effective with dealing with other people. o Use the project components from previous weeks to assist you. o Use the PowerPoint notes to narrate the slides as if you were giving the presentation to a live audience. o Open a … Read more

Discuss some of the factors that have motivated artists to use their own bodies in works of art.

Body Gender Identity in art part 1 Read through the powerpoint and answer the three questions on the second slide titled "Learning Objectives." Make sure for each answer you are referencing examples from the powerpoint. Explain why "beautiful" is an ambiguous word in reference to the body. Discuss some of the factors that have motivated … Read more

Describe your plan for completing the final project.

Final Project: Synopsis and Project Plan Submit a 2-3 page synopsis of the book you read about your leader(Winnie Mandela is the leader I picked but haven’t read any books on her) Describe your plan for completing the final project. Your plan should include the intended medium of your presentation (PowerPoint, etc), the topics that … Read more