Political Philosophy Class: Construct an argument about which philosopher has the most convincing theories of property by comparing and contrasting Plato, Locke, Hegel, and Marx any two or more of the philosophers.

Political Philosophy Class: Please read the instructions below carefully. Plato, Locke, Hegel and Marx have different views on the proper role and place regarding property. Plato opposes property ownership by the guardians, and Marx opposes private property. Locke sees the protection of property as one of the main goals of government, while economic activity and … Read more

Political Philosophy: explain how Plato’s Gorgias demonstrates the depth of the human love of, or attachment to, justice and nobility.

Political Philosophy. •Explain how Plato’s Gorgias demonstrates the depth of the human love of, or attachment to, justice and nobility. In doing so be sure to address the following: • How does Gorgias underestimate the extent to which human beings love, or are otherwise attached, to justice? Why is this a problem for him? • … Read more

The Greeks: explain three ways the life experiences of Plato may have affected his political philosophy.

The Greeks Answer the following 2 questions with several paragraphs.                                                            There is no need to construct a formal essay with an introduction, body, and conclusion. Just answer each question directly. 1.Explain three ways the life experiences of Plato may have affected his political philosophy. 2.Explain Aristotle’s doctrine of the mean from the Nicomachean Ethics with … Read more