Political parties : You are planning a career in politics. Which party would you choose and why?

Political parties George Washington warned against forming political parties. He believed that they would be divisive to the nation. His words were not heeded. While there are no limits to the number of parties nor the ideologies they express, there are two major political parties that dominate U. S. politics, the Democrats and the Republicans. … Read more

Political Parties: discuss how and why parties were formed in the US. expand on the details that this sections provides and talk about what the role is of parties in US government.

Political Parties 1) Discuss how and why parties were formed in the US. Expand on the details that this sections provides and talk about what the role is of parties in US government. 2) Explains the issue of a divided government. Discuss a couple of issues that make for a divided government. In what areas … Read more

What might be some of the policy positions of political parties in the recent past, present or upcoming federal election that seek to appeal to social liberals who are also economic conservatives?

Canada’s Political Landscape: Political Parties and Electoral Politics What might be some of the policy positions of political parties in the recent past, present or upcoming federal election that seek to appeal to social liberals who are also economic conservatives?