Marketing : Comprehend the components of an organization’s marketing program including how to plan, price, promote, and distribute goods, services, or ideas.

Marketing •Comprehend the components of an organization’s marketing program including how to plan, price, promote, and distribute goods, services, or ideas. •Identify the marketing relationships both internal and external to an organization. •Explore how external factors, such as the economy, competition, suppliers, distribution channels, and political-legal groups affect the marketing function. •Recognize why and how … Read more

Marketing: identify the marketing relationships both internal and external to an organization.

Marketing Comprehend the components of an organization’s marketing program including how to plan, price, promote, and distribute goods, services, or ideas. Identify the marketing relationships both internal and external to an organization. Explore how external factors, such as the economy, competition, suppliers, distribution channels, and political-legal groups affect the marketing function. Recognize why and how … Read more