Find a popular article, video, podcast, or other material which portrays familiar myths and misconceptions about deception and deception detection and write a paper  in which you discuss the myths illustrated in the article .

Find a popular article, video, podcast, or other material which portrays familiar myths and misconceptions about deception and deception detection and write a paper  in which you discuss the myths illustrated in the article . Your essay should be 3-5 pages long typed, double-spaced, one-inch margins on all sides, 12 pt. Times or Garamond font, … Read more

The Hidden Brain: what else could doctors, nurses, counselors or other health practitioners focus on when trying to help people make healthier choices?

 The Hidden Brain   We Shouldn’t Stick Our Heads In The Sand, But We Do It Anyway “… this ‘no spoilers’ mentality leaks in other parts of our lives. We avoid getting an important medical test done, fearing bad results. We turn off the news when the headlines make us upset, even though the information … Read more

How what you learned can be applied to your team’s Business in Action project.

Pick a podcast to listen to from NPR’s How I Built This with Guy Raz (Links to an external site.). You can pick any podcast from this series to do your paper on. If you pick an episode marked “Resiliency” you MUST also listen to the original podcast. “Resiliency” episodes are follow-up conversations with … Read more